"Macron was not ready to govern", according to Hamon on RTL


Nearly two weeks after the first demonstrations of "yellow vests", the political clbad is still trying to understand their claims and the origins of their anger. Benoît Hamon believes that "this protest is legitimate" and that "there are tired of inequalities and a power deaf to extremely simple demands: 'We want to live properly'"

Invited on RTL radio this Thursday, November 29, Benoît Hamon explains: "What do the yellow vests say? They say: 'We feather'. The 'yellow vests' are those who have seen their APL drop, increase their CSG, to see disappear their public services, maternity, health, lines of train (…) Clearly, it's always the same people who pay".

The founder of the Génération.s movement does not want to encourage the "yellow vests" to protest on the Champs-Élysées on December 1st. "My job is not wearing a yellow vest, I'm not
not in recovery. I do not think that's what 'yellow vests' are asking for
he adds.

According to the former presidential candidate of 2017 states that "there will be no ecological transition, if we do not put
to contribute those who can the most. "The main cause of this anger remains the President of the Republic, for Benoît Hamon:" We discover today that Emmanuel Macron was not
ready to rule ".

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