A beer belly actually hid a cancerous tumor of thirty-five pounds


Do not judge on appearance ! For several years a Californian has been mocked about his "beer-drinking belly". It was not until a CT scan revealed that this abdominal overweight was due to the presence of a dangerous tumor weighing several tens of kilograms

As the famous saying goes: " appearences are often not what they seem ". And it is not Hector Hernandez who will contradict him. The case of this 47-year-old Californian was revealed in an article of the Washington Postyesterday, 27 November.

Incorrectly diagnosed weight gain

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" I have always been a man corpulent He told the famous American daily. That's why he had not paid too much attention to his weight gain in the last two years. But when he found that his arms and his legs appeared shrink visually as his stomach was growinghe began to question himself. In addition, the surprised looks of strangers crossed in the street face his 137 kilos and the taunts from his loved ones about his Beer belly of beer »« while I very rarely consume this drink Participated in his questioning.

That's when he started to suffer from stomach pains, of constipation and that he realized that he sometimes had bad to catch his breath that he decided to consult. The first doctor who examined him was content with sweep away from the back of the hand his concerns by explaining to him that " each had a different physical distribution of weight ". " So I thought I was just fat "Says Hector Hernandez.

A giant retroperitoneal liposarcoma

But finding that her belly was " heavy and hard to the touch The quarantine wanted to have a second opinion. It's after badyzing a to scan that doctors were able to diagnose a retroperitoneal liposarcoma, a particular form of malignant tumor that develops at the fatty tissue level. At the announcement of the diagnosis, Hector Hernandez felt at the same time shocked but rebadured To finally know the reason for his condition.

He was operated on last summer for this tumor to be removed. The intervention who lasted one o'clock went well but kidney, which had been damaged by the presence of the latter, had to be removed.

William Tsen, the surgeon-oncologist and badistant professor at the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California who practiced the intervention indicated that the removed tumor weighed close to 35 kilos (77 pounds, ed). " It is certainly the biggest I had to remove "He told the Washington Post, stating that as that expert in sarcomas, he had to surgically remove a dozen but they weighed usually between 9 and 13 pounds.

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