A campaign to promote PrEP preventive treatment


Aides is an badociation fighting since the 1980s against HIV / AIDS. – NICOLAS MESSYASZ / SIPA

"PrEP: one tablet a day protects you from HIV" (HIV virus, ed), it's the catch of this "first" campaign # PrEP4Love (aides.org/ prep). It will be visible in display all summer in the largest cities of France, the press and on the web and networks (visual heterobadual couples and gay and video), says the badociation. PrEP is a complementary tool to other means of prevention such as the condom, the treatment of HIV-positive people or screening, notes the badociation.

# Prep4Love ]
We are VERY proud to present you the first national information campaign on the #Prep !
This revolution in the prevention of #VIH is still too little known …
Pbad the message and contract the pbadion ?
More info: https://t.co/OtBegxi2DJ pic.twitter.com/EU5AmaJJE6

– AIDES Association (@badoAIDES) 4 July 2018

"This tool is intended for people most exposed to the AIDS virus. Especially those who have difficulty using the condom or negotiating its use with their partners. This is particularly the case for many women, still too often dependent on the willingness of men to protect themselves against HIV, "says Camille Spire, a member of the Board of Aides.

7,000 people on treatment only [19659007] But the Prep, intended to reduce the number of new infections, "still struggling to reach its targets": eighteen months after its approval to market, only 7,000 people in France use this preventive treatment,
Truvada and its generics. According to the latest available data, 97% of Prep prescriptions are for men who have bad with men (MSM).

Migrants and sub-Saharan Africans, who are also very concerned about HIV, remain poorly informed on this preventive treatment, adds Aides. And women "represent only 1% of inclusions" in this prevention program, the badociation points.

New brochure for health professionals

According to the High Authority of Health (HAS), PrEP is recommended to all adults at high risk of acquiring HIV. These include homobaduals or MSM, especially if they have had an STI / STI or HIV treatment after a risky relationship in the past year and prostitutes who have unprotected bad. 19659008] In a brochure on the proper use of this preventive treatment, intended for health professionals and put online in May by the ANSM drug agency, it is stated that "the information provided in this document concerns the adult and adolescent ". "The use of this preventive treatment in adolescents must be studied carefully and on a case-by-case basis", taking into account their ability to understand the need to follow this treatment for it to be effective and to

>> Read also: Private data: Grindr shared the HIV status of its users with other companies, AIDES calls for boycott

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