A contact lens that heals lesions in the eye


Australian researchers have developed a contact lens that acts as a dressing on the eye.

Researchers at the Queensland Institute of Ophthalmology (Australia) have developed a contact lens that can repair lesions on the surface of the eye and accelerate wound healing. of the cornea. According to Professor Damien Harkin, these lenses are composed of cells with special healing properties.

On the same subject

contact lenses

"These cells, called limbal mesenchymal stromal cells (L-MSC), come from the eye tissue of a donor. They are then grafted to the surface of a special type of contact lens called the scleral lens. explains the doctor in a statement.

"Our treatment could provide welcome relief to patients with chronic conditions such as ulcers of the cornea" He added. These lenses may also treat acute ocular lesions resulting from exposure to caustic chemicals or hot liquids.

For the doctor, this new treatment could be available to patients in just a few years, subject to the completion of rigorous clinical trials.

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