a dozen cases reported in a school


A dozen students presented the symptoms of scabies, an infectious disease, at the Jules-Isaac kindergarten in Rennes, in the district of La Bellangerais. The school has remained open, precautions have been taken

In recent weeks, a dozen cases of scabies have been diagnosed among students of the Jules Isaac kindergarten. Scabies is an infectious skin disease caused by a microscopic mite-like parasite. It is characterized by itching, especially at night, between the fingers, on the belly or armpits. In the past, cases of scabies had already been reported in Rennes, in kindergartens, as well as in a college.

"With regard to the Jules-Isaac school, it is a small epidemic, with a only ten cases out of 300 students " would like to rebadure Thomas Billebeaud, the president of the parents' badociation. The Jules-Isaac school brings together on the same site both kindergarten and primary. In recent days, students with symptoms have remained at home.

"Avoiding psychosis"

"On Monday, an information meeting was held with the medical adviser of the Regional Health Agency ( ARS), to inform families and teachers " indicate the services of the City of Rennes. A specific protocol has been defined, in connection with the Academy Inspectorate and the LRA. "Our priority is to avoid psychosis among parents, adds Thomas Billebeaud. The way to go is that everyone must take preventive treatment at the same time.

Scabies is sometimes difficult to diagnose, it can be confused with a plaque of pimples. Do not panic, this is a benign parasite. And it's not because a student catches him that his clbadmates will get it. It requires a skin contact with long and repeated skin. It is believed to be very contagious, complicated to treat. It is not so. Once the pathology is established, the treatment is short and effective.

The feast of the maintained school

Measures were taken in this school, to prevent the spread of the disease. "For example, forgotten clothes were collected and then locked in plastic bags. At home, clothing and bedding must also be disinsected. For the rest, the activity of Jules-Isaac School was not too disturbed. No closing of the establishment.

Last Saturday, the school festival was held as usual, to mark the end of the school year a few days of summer vacation. The day before, the students had presented a show in front of their parents at Salle Guy-Ropartz.

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