A false cancer study published in a scientific journal


German journalists trapped a scientific journal by publishing a fake cancer study. Their purpose, to demonstrate the ease with which one can pbad false science for real.

The study was published in the journal Journal of Integrative Oncology. The results of the study baderted that "propolis extract was more effective on colorectal cancer than conventional chemotherapy". Problem? The study in question was completely fictitious

At the origin of this publication, journalists from two German media, the daily Süddeutsche Zeitung and the public radio NDR. Their goal: to prove that anyone, on condition of paying, could publish a study in a scientific journal. This is part of a vast investigation called "Fake News" on unscrupulous publications, for which international media collaborate including Le Monde.

Hundreds of unscrupulous journals in open access

German journalists have transmitted their results at the review. "The study was fictional, manufactured data and authors, affiliated with an imaginary research institute, did not exist either," says Le Monde. However, the publication was accepted in less than ten days and published on April 24.

Anja Karliczek, German Research Ministry, said she was in favor of opening an inquiry to understand how such a publication could have been published. lead. "It's in the interest of science itself," she told the German news agency DPA

The journal in question is published by an Indian publisher, Omics. But according to Le Monde, "dozens of unscrupulous publishers have created hundreds of open-access journals with the name snoring, having all the finery of real scholarly journals." Many scientific disciplines are concerned but no check is made on the quality of the work presented, the only criterion, the payment of a few hundred euros per article.

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