A first "yellow vest" at Matignon before Friday's meeting


Francois de Rugy (G) receives two representatives from
Francois de Rugy (G) receives two representatives of "yellow vests", Priscilla Ludosky (D) and Eric Drouet (G) on November 27 in Paris (JACQUES DEMARTHON / AFP / Archives)

Edouard Philippe discreetly received a first "yellow vest" Thursday on the eve of his appointment with a delegation of this disparate social movement, but increasingly popular.

Two days before a new demonstration announced in Paris, the government said the Champs-Elysees, scene of clashes on November 24, would be open to pedestrians Saturday.

Thursday afternoon, away from the cameras, the Prime Minister has, according to his entourage, received Patrick de Perglas, "yellow vest" who had left on foot from Chalon-sur-Saône on November 21 to bring his claims to Paris .

This first contact precedes the meeting scheduled for Friday at 14:00 in Matignon, the culmination of two days of meetings started Thursday morning in Matignon to draw the "big consultation" local three months wanted by Emmanuel Macron.

Two of the eight representatives nominated but challenged within the movement, Priscillia Ludosky and Eric Drouet, have already been received Tuesday by the Minister for Ecological Transition, François de Rugy.

One of them, Mr. Drouet, a truck driver from Seine-et-Marne, has already indicated his refusal to go to Matignon, because "no delegation has yet the role to represent the + yellow vests +" , he wrote on Facebook.

Act 3 Saturday

Many deputies received an email Thursday from an address "viletsjaunes1", containing a rather wide list of claims including among others, the SMIC to 1.300 euros net, an insulation plan of housing, the end of the tax increase on fuel, retirement at 1,200 euros minimum.

of the
"Yellow vests" gathered November 18 in Caen during the second day of mobilization of this protest movement against the rise of fuels- (CHARLY TRIBALLEAU / AFP / Archives)

On the ground, the "yellow vests" are meeting Saturday, especially on the Champs-Elysees, for the act 3 of their mobilization against fuel taxes and rising purchasing power.

Thursday night, the Minister of the Interior Christophe Castaner announced that the main Parisian artery would be closed to traffic but open "pedestrians", with "systematic identity checks", by means of a "very tight device, very hermetic ".

Marine Le Pen, the president of the National Rally, had said that she wanted a demonstration on the Champs-Elysees, or if the avenue was closed to avoid the violence of Saturday, November 24. Conversely, the deputy of Paris LREM Stanislas Guerini "does not want to relive (…) this image of quasi-civil war" on the Champs-Elysees.

Police source, a little more than 3,500 "yellow vests" participated Thursday morning more than 280 "public road actions", including blockages of logistics platforms and fuel depots. Symbol of the ras-le-bol fiscal, access to some perceptions have been blocked. In Montargis (Loiret), eleven "yellow vests" are in custody for having begun to wall the tax center.

On the internet, a petition "for a drop in fuel prices at the pump", launched by one of the figures of the movement, exceeded Thursday the million signatures.

At Matignon on November 29, 2018, Edouard Philippe starts, with local elected representatives, a marathon of interviews with members of the National Council for Energy Transition (CNTE)
At Matignon on November 29, 2018, Edouard Philippe starts, with local elected officials, a marathon of interviews with members of the National Council for Energy Transition (CNTE) (Christophe ARCHAMBAULT / AFP)

In Reunion, paralyzed for thirteen days by the movement, the Minister of Overseas Annick Girardin announced the creation of 1,000 additional subsidized jobs before the end of the year.

In Matignon, Édouard Philippe began, with local elected officials, a marathon of interviews with members of the National Council for Energy Transition (CNTE), an advisory body that brings together 50 members from diverse backgrounds (employers, unions, environmental NGOs, civil society, local elected representatives and parliamentarians).

"decisive moment for the five-year period"

Nearly all the local elected representatives have asked for a new "gesture" from the executive, so that the consultation of three months in the departments desired by Emmanuel Macron can take place in a "serene" way.

Some have called for a moratorium on the increase in the carbon tax scheduled for January 1. Others let the government decide the nature of this gesture but asked that it intervene before Christmas or before the start of local debates.

The idea of ​​a moratorium is debated in the Macronist majority. The President of the Assembly's Social Affairs Committee, Brigitte Bourguignon, is in favor of a "one-quarter moratorium" on fuel tax increases. The leader of LREM deputies, Gilles Le Gendre, is opposed to it.

The former minister (PS) Ségolène Royal urged the majority to take "his responsibilities" by confirming the cancellation of the increase of 1 January voted Monday by the Senate on the right.

On the right, Laurent Wauquiez (Republicans) wants the ecological tax measures to be subject to a referendum. Marine Le Pen has evoked the hypothesis of a dissolution of the Assembly.

During the day, the employers received at Matignon warned against the economic impact of "yellow vests". In a statement, the Federation of Commerce and Distribution (FCD) says for its part that a third weekend of "blocking stores and warehouses" would be "catastrophic" for trade.

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