a new calculation of survivor pensions?


After 2:40 hearing in the Assembly, a short sentence has revived the debate on survivors pensions. "Should we imagine a splitting system" ? But what is it? For a couple whose man earns € 2,000 per month and the woman € 4,000 per month, if one dies, the remaining spouse will keep half of the couple's income, € 3,000. If madame dies, sir will receive her pension of € 2,000 + € 1,000 of reversion. If sir disappears first, madam, with his retirement of 4 000 €, will be entitled to 0 € of reversion.

The current system never provides a zero reversion, this system is currently impossible. Unions see it as a threat to reversion, which benefits women more. The debate is launched, reversion pensions today cost 36 billion euros per year.

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