A new platform for reporting sexual and gender-based violence


Promised a year ago by President Emmanuel Macron and initially expected for the month of October, the platform for online reporting of badual and badual violence has been available since Tuesday morning. Explanations.

In France, more than 250 women are raped every day, 123 women were killed by their partner or ex-partner in 2016 and 225,000 women aged 18 to 75 report having been victims of physical and / or badual violence by their spouse over a year … Sad figures that are cold in the back. So to say stop to violence against women, the site service-public.fr offers you an online reporting platform for badist and badual violence, accessible today.

Only 10% of victims of badual and gender-based violence file a complaint.
Silence, fear … It can not last!
This morning we are launching an online reporting portal to better protect, help and support. For #NeRienLaisserPbader.
? https://t.co/6nbiP3Zutq pic.twitter.com/JJ3w9dfuJv

– Christophe Castaner (@CCastaner) November 27, 2018

Operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, the platform will allow victims or witnesses to interact with a policeman or a policeman specially trained to help them in their endeavors. Minor or adult, you will be able to report badual and badual violence via chat and instant messaging, with 37 police officers.

it is a 24-hour service with exchanges on the internet with police and gendarmes (25 who will relay) specially trained puy several days. I trained them 1 day to psychotraumas: stun, dissociation, traumatic memory amnesia, process of influence https://t.co/ulR627EFzn

– Muriel Salmona (@memoiretrauma) November 25, 2018

The site has also set up an emergency button, available throughout the conversation, in case a victim is caught during the chat by the perpetrator. The button will automatically clear the history and conversation.

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