a new study gives hope for a breakthrough


The World Congress on Alzheimer's Disease has just ended in Chicago. While for years the various trials on drugs have failed, a study shows the effectiveness of a new drug.

 A promising study on a drug against the amyloid protein responsible for Alzheimer's presented at the Chicago Convention
A promising study on a drug directed against the amyloid protein responsible for Alzheimer's presented at the Chicago Convention © AFP / Science Photo Library / Juan GAERTNER

This is the first time in years of disappointed hopes that the researchers and doctors gathered at this World Congress are optimistic.

A study conducted by a Japanese laboratory in a study involving a large number of patients – 854 – shows the efficacy of a drug.

Professor Bruno Dubois, Head of the Department of Cognitive Diseases at the Pitié Salpêtrière, attended this presentation: "It was a highly anticipated result he explains. It is a drug directed against the protein amyloïde, the famous protein which is deposited in the brain patients, and over 18 months, they observe, that with the highest dose, there is first a significant decrease in lesions in the brain of patients -but that was already observed in the brains of patients So, we are happy but no more – but especially what is interesting is that there is an effect on the symptoms themselves.There is a reduction, a decrease in cognitive decline which is still quite significant since, with the highest dose, there is a 47% reduction in this cognitive decline. "

It will obviously be necessary to confirm these results with other tests, but for the scientists, the fact that there are signs of cognitive improvement on a large number of patients, is encouragement to continue research. Many of them did not believe it in recent years.

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