a new tax credit to change windows


In full grow yellow jackets, Emmanuel Macron will present this Tuesday the multi-year program of energy (EPP) of France. The President of the Republic will perform a balancing act by announcing immediate measures to meet the demands of the yellow vests, in a plan supposed to establish the country's strategy over ten years.

According to our information, the Head of State must in particular announce a tax benefit to accompany the thermal renovation of housing and promote energy savings. As such, the government will reinstate the tax credit for double-glazed windows equipment, which was eliminated at the end of June. The device amounts to 100 euros per window.

A device to fight soaring oil prices

The executive has also been working on an anti-oil price surge mechanism to make fuel hikes bearable. A principle already applied between 2000 and 2002 under the government of Lionel Jospin with the floating tax on fuels.

Finally, ways are being considered to reduce the overall bill of purchase of a vehicle, including the establishment of a zero-interest loan and a contribution from car manufacturers.

For the record, a device already exists to help households to change cars, it is the "premium conversion". It can vary from 1000 euros to 2000 euros depending on the tax situation of the beneficiary. Prime Minister Édouard Philippe even announced in mid-November a "super premium" of 4000 euros for modest households or non-taxable employees who have to make long journeys each day between their homes and their workplace.

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