In Japan, and on the Internet, Toei Animation continues the media hype around the movie Dragon Ball Super: Broly. In the video broadcast today, the Japanese studio is content to reveal one of the key elements of the plot of his long story. Attention, people who do not want to be spoiler the film have any interest not to read / watch the news that follows.
read also: Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2: The new Broly confirm in Europe, screenshots
Toei Animation has just released a nime trailer Dragon Ball Super: Broly. And not just any trailer since it is fully dedicated to the fight between Broly … Gogeta.
The fusion (manual) between Goku and Vegeta not seen since the episode 60 of Dragon Ball GT (appearances in the video games put aside) is thus the solution found by the two heroes to overcome their formidable opponent.
note in pbading that this trailer, can discover two forms of indie Gogeta: the normal form (black hair) and Super Saiyajin Blue transformation.
As stated repeatedly, Dragon Ball Super: Broly will be in Japanese cinemas from 14th December next. The film does not have a French release date yet, but it will eventually happen.
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