A TER hits a car south of Toulouse, "a small miracle" according to the SNCF – 27/11/2018



Various facts

A regional express train struck a car on a railway crossing on Tuesday morning in the town of Fauga, southwest of Toulouse. The collision occurred around 8:30. The circumstances of the accident are not yet known. A Mini Cooper got stuck between the barriers.

The pbadengers, a mother and her daughter, had time to get out before the shock. They have not been injured but are in shock. Two pbadengers on the train were also shocked. It's a "little miracle" according to a SNCF official present on site.

137 people were aboard the TER. Train traffic is currently interrupted between Boussens and Toulouse on the axis Tarbes / Toulouse.

Sunday evening, already, a train Intercités had hit a car on a level crossing in Castelsarrasin in the Tarn-et-Garonne. The vehicle of a young man of 19 years might have suffered a mechanical problem.

8:40. Circulations are interrupted between Boussens ↔️ Toulouse for an indefinite period. ❌ A TER has just hit a car at the Fauga. Some are in search to route the travelers.

We remain here to accompany you. ⌨️ pic.twitter.com/lt0MlOAuib

– SNCF TER OCCITANIE (@TER_Occitanie) November 27, 2018

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