A vast experiment launched to put an end to the galley of rush hours in public transportation


TRANSPORT – Some defense companies, the RATP, the SNCF and the Ile-de-France region are launching this Wednesday, November 28, an experiment to better distribute office workers in transport. The idea: to widen the schedules of arrival and departure of the work, to gain in comfort.

– The LCI editorial

To finish with the spirit "tight like sardines". In any case, the objective displayed by an experiment, launched this Wednesday, November 28 by the SNCF, the RATP and the Île-de-France region and the site of Defense. According to our colleagues from Parisian, tens of thousands of employees in the Paris region will be encouraged to break their habits and shift their arrival and departure schedules, in order to better distribute the flow of pbadengers in transport during rush hour.

A "smoothing", in a way, that could affect between 35,000 and 50,000 people. According to Alain Krakovitch, managing director of SNCF Transilien, "if 5% of people shift by a quarter of an hour, it will get closer to the configuration of a Saturday morning." Expected result: more comfort for everyone, less discomfort travelers and therefore less delays.

The experiment should last one year and involve thirteen companies in total, including Axa, Total or Primagaz. The idea would be to widen the departure and arrival times and limit the meetings before 10 am and after 5 pm. Employees could arrive on site from 6.30am until 10am.

In addition, teleworking is also favored, always according to The Parisian. To be more incentive, the experiment will be accompanied by points, convertible into gift vouchers, for the employees who play the game.

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