a woman lived with a worm in a vertebra


<p clbad = "canvas-atom-canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "When this woman of 35 is presented to the urgency of the University Hospital of Dijon, she probably did not suspect that the person responsible for all its ills was a small worm, well installed in his vertebra.For three months, the patient suffered from weakness in the legs, accompanied by sensations of electric shock.These symptoms were aggravated, manifested in particular by repeated falls and difficulties in riding horses.An unusual clinical case, which is the subject of a report published July 12 in [19459002TheNewEnglandJournalofMedicine "data-reactid =" 22 "> When this 35-year-old woman presented to the emergency department of Dijon University Hospital, she probably did not suspect that the person responsible for all her ills was a small worm, well settled in his vertebra. For three months, the patient suffered from a weakness in the legs, accompanied by sensations of electric shock. These symptoms worsened, including repeated falls and difficulty riding. An unusual clinical case, which is the subject of a report published on July 12 in The New England Journal of Medicine.

Physical tests reveal a problem in the legs, and a blood test shows a very high rate of white blood cells and C-reactive protein, a sign of acute inflammation and possible infection. It is thanks to an MRI of the spine that the doctors begin to suspect something: the images reveal the existence of a lesion at the level of the 9th thoracic vertebra, also affecting the epidural space, which contains nerve roots.

<p clbad = "canvas-atom-canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = " dogs and cattle, hosts of parasites "data-reactid =" 24 "> Dogs and cattle, hosts of parasites

<p clbad =" canvas-atom-canvas-text Mb (1.0em Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm "type =" text "content =" The surgeons proceed to the ablation of this vertebra and the affected epidural space, followed by an osteosynthesis, an intervention that consists in stabilizing the spine by supporting it with metallic materials Biological badyzes have subsequently revealed the presence of a surprise guest: a Echinococcus gra nulosus a worm that usually parasitizes the intestines of dogs, but also those of other pets or farm animals. It can happen in very rare cases that eggs of this worm are accidentally ingested by humans, causing (…) Read more on Figaro.fr "data-reactid =" 25 "> The surgeons then remove this vertebra and the affected epidural space, followed by an osteosynthesis, an intervention that consists in stabilizing the spine by supporting it with metallic materials. the following revealed the presence of a surprise guest: a Echinococcus granulosus a small worm that usually parasitizes the intestines of dogs, but also those of other pets or farm animals. In very rare cases, eggs of this worm are accidentally ingested by humans, resulting in (…) Read more on Figaro.fr

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