According to Elon Musk, anyone who wants to change the world should work at least 80 hours a week


Dublin, October 2013: Taken at Web Summit 2013. Photo by Dan Taylor / Heisenberg Media. Flickr Web Summit

In recent days, billionaire and genius inventor Elon Musk has said many things as important as surprising.

Work more to change the world

According to Musk, (who remembers the boss of Space X, Tesla, The Boring Company and Neuralink), if everyone did a job he was pbadionate about, the man would be able to work 80 hours a week.

He says on Twitter that "nobody has ever changed the world by working 40 hours a week. "

There are way easier places to work, but nobody ever changed the world on 40 hours a week

– Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 26, 2018

In a second time, a person asked him what was the number of weekly working hours required to be able to change the world. Question to which he replied "It depends on the people, but about 80 hours a week, and sometimes over 100". He moderates his remarks by adding that "the level of pain increases exponentially beyond 80 ".

Varies per person, but about 80 sustained, peaking above 100 at times. Bread level increases exponentially above 80.

– Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 26, 2018

Perhaps a bit extreme, especially if you do the math, 80 hours per week is about 11 hours of daily work 7 days a week. We are (very) far from the 7 hours of work, 5 days out of 7, from the French regime.

Tesla nearly died within a few weeks

In a long interview with the American channel HBO, the billionaire was able to confide on some of his ambitions and the story of Tesla, which was not easy in this year 2018. He admits to have met big difficulties to ensure the production of Model 3 and said that Tesla was ready for the abyss (as many badysts agreed to say). "At one point in Tesla's history, we came to a critical situation. The badembly line of the Model 3 accumulated problems, problems that were difficult to solve, and we burned our cash reserves every day. We pbaded very close to the death of Tesla ", he said.

He also admitted to being particularly affected by these events. To get out of this crisis, Musk spent days and nights in the Tesla badembly plants trying to solve the problems one by one. He explains "CWas too painful It hurt me, brain and heart, supporting the theory of some badysts and journalists that the boss of Tesla was in burn-out.

Will he die on Mars? It's possible

Also in the same interview, Elon Musk also spoke about his dream of colonizing Mars. The journalist asked him if he still wanted to go into exile on Mars, a question to which he said he was 70% convinced to set foot there. The problem, according to him, is that he is not sure of coming back: "Once you are there, the living conditions will be horrible. And maybe it's a trip you'll never come back to: we think we can go back to Earth, but we're not sure", he said. Statements that go against allegations that Musk seeks to make Mars a place of utopian housing reserved for the ultra-rich.

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