Agen elect apologizes after describing gas chambers as "details of history"


A municipal councilor from Agen whose exclusion from the National Assembly (RN) was announced in October after she took over the former words of Jean-Marie Le Pen on gas chambers "detail of history ", presented Wednesday his apologies.

"I sincerely ask for forgiveness," writes Catherine Lesne in a press release addressing the people she "could hurt". "I have never been a negationist, I consider the concentration camps as a major event in history by the industrialization of the killing".

In a message on Facebook in October, visible only by the friends of the elected and published by the daily South Westshe attacked immigrants before adding: "just like" the gas chambers were a detail of history "because indeed, the war was not that that !!!".

Summoned to apologize

"I deleted it immediately by realizing my mistake," says Catherine Lesne Wednesday in its statement, which she concludes quoting an excerpt from "If it's a man" Primo Levi on "the abomination" of the Holocaust.

The elected representatives of the town council of Agen, gathered Monday, had summoned her to apologize.

Despite her excuses, "there is no question that she will return to the National Front," said Etienne Bousquet-Cbadagne, deputy departmental secretary of the RN and regional councilor.

The former president of the National Front Jean-Marie Le Pen (from 1972 to 2011) was expelled from the FN in 2015 by his daughter Marine for having badimilated the gas chambers to "a detail of the history of the Second World War" , an badertion that earned him a final sentence in March by the Court of Cbadation for challenging a crime against humanity.

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