Agnès Buzyn launches the Shared Medical File (DMP)


Health Minister Agnès Buzyn is trying what her predecessors have not been able to do for more than ten years: to allow every French to access an online health record. The goal is to reach 40 million records within five years.

The Shared Medical File is officially launched

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This ad has a little air of déjà vu. But the health authorities have decided to believe it: Tuesday, November 6, 2018 kicks off the Shared Medical Record (DMP). The Minister of Health, Agnès Buzyn, is accompanied by the director of health insurance, Nicolas Revel, and the president of the federation of patients badociations France Assos Health, Alain-Michel Ceretti, to officially launch the device.

This project, hatched more than ten years ago, is supposed facilitate the care path of the French by improving patient information, coordinating healthcare professionals, as well as quality of care through real-time information access. Though thought by former Health Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy, he was nevertheless difficult to put in place, especially because of technical problems. The previous minister, Marisol Touraine, participated in the reinstatement of the DMP, which was submitted to an initial phase of development in different departments, with the help of the National Health Insurance Fund (CNAM).

Encourage professionals

Currently, nearly 1.2 million cases have been created, according to the CNAM. The goal of the ministry would be to reach the 40 million in five years. Several "pushes" have been put in place to encourage professionals and patients to turn to the DMP. It is now possible to open your own account on the internet, with agents of health insurance funds, professionals and health facilities.

Health insurance now has the right to automatically enter a repayment history over two years, pharmacists will receive one euro per open DMP, and the doctors may benefit from a financial incentive to create records. It remains to be seen if, From a technical point of viewthe project will succeed in fulfilling its many promises of practicality, speed and security.

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