Agnès Buzyn's husband withdraws his candidacy


After months of controversy Yves Lévy, President of Inserm, decided not to seek a new mandate.

Renowned doctor and researcher in HIV research, Yves Lévy, the president of the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm), is also the husband of the Minister of Health Agnès Buzyn for more than a year. Such was the origin of the controversy over the possible renewal of his mandate at the head of France's first public research body in human health. After months of tension, he officially announced that he renounced it on July 30 .

"I do not want to take any chance from Inserm"

According to Le Monde Yves Lévy explains it in a letter sent to all Inserm employees, indicating: "In the personal situation that is mine, I consider that all conditions will not be met to drive this ambitious project (…) I do not want to take any chance at Inserm and put us in a situation in which the Institute does not could not fully interact with guardianship. "

Theoretically, in addition to the Ministry of Research, Inserm's" guardianship "includes the Ministry of Health, which created a risk of conflict of interest when the appointment of Agnès Buzyn. The government responded by May 2017 by placing the research organization directly under the authority of the Prime Minister.

It is also the services of Matignon who reacted to this announcement in a statement that " takes note of Yves Lévy's decision to withdraw his candidacy for a renewal as President of Inserm ". And to specify that he "will soon be called to other functions" but "remains in charge of the interim at the head of Inserm" as is the case since June 12, the official date of the term of his 4 year term.

This episode puts an end to difficult months when "the French scientific community" did not really shine on the front page of an international scientific journal, the Lancet . At the moment when the succession had to be decided, an editorial regretted the opacity of its process. Until this declaration of "withdrawal", Professor Levy had never publicly expressed his desire to continue his mission. And of the six candidates who appeared on June 21 at the refereeing committee, only two had announced it.

Decryption of Rudy Bancquart, June 15, 2018

"Barely believable! "

This is Jessica Zucman-Rossi (Inserm, University Paris-Descartes) and Philippe Froguel (CNRS, University of Lille and Imperial College London). And the latter reacts especially at the end of the release of the Prime Minister who announces that "the process of recruitment of the CEO of Inserm will be relaunched in the coming weeks", apparently canceling the beginning of the procedure.

The very day of the decision, he exclaims in a first tweet, "all this seems to me hardly credible, except to say that the process was not transparent" …

Then, a few hours Philippe Froguel is surprised by the latest developments: "according to Matignon, a new competition decree will be promulgated to" allow new candidates "who did not dare to appear before !!! In short, the five current candidates auditioned were too many opponents and not enough in the line. "

Many reactions rejoice with a" wise decision "but remain in the expectation of the final result …

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