AIDS screening: the first self-tests assembled in Villiers-le-Bel are ready


Villiers-le-Bel at the heart of the fight against AIDS. It is in this city of 28,000 inhabitants that have recently been conditioned HIV self tests, marketed by the company AAZ. "It is a pride that this company is present in the town", insists the Mayor (DVG) Jean-Louis Marsac.

Behind the walls of the ESAT (Establishments and services of help by work) workshops Tissonvilliers, a dozen people with disabilities, is active. These employees put together what makes up the self-test, a tool that can detect HIV in less than twenty minutes. "We worked for two years to meet the requirements desired by AAZ," says Henri-Aurélien Chopinaud, director.

The pride of employees

In a large room, around two tables, twelve employees, in white coats and charlotte on the head, are concentrated. There is Arlette, 63 years old. She is in the first position, in charge of "shaping", she says a bit shy. While unfolding the boxes she gives to her colleague, Arlette expresses her satisfaction. "That's what we do, it's important," she smiles.

A review shared by Jean-Claude, 54 years old. "I'm on the 2nd position, I put a compress, a package and a stamp in the self-test box," he explains. I really like this job. Here, everything is designed so that these employees can be in good conditions, without neglecting the production objectives. "We have a social logic. Every day there is morning listening. For a minute and a half, a supervisor meets each employee to express his mood, explains Henri-Aurélien Chopinaud. We are in inclusion.

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<p><i> / LP / MG </i></p>
<p> This Thursday marks a milestone for this company, which employs a total of 150 disabled workers. The first batch of HIV self-tests are ready for the Ile-de-France region, which commissioned 10,000, as part of its plan "For an Ile-de-France without AIDS." </p>
<p> "C is important for us to see this production out in Ile-de-France.I discovered today an extraordinary site.It is thanks to you that we can distribute them through badociations [comme HF prévention] and that we can contribute to the fight against HIV ", insists Jean Spiri, regional councilor (LR). </p>
<p> For the regional council, the fight must intensify In France, 25 000 people do not know that they are HIV positive. "We are the first metropolitan area in France affected by the AIDS virus, accurate e Farida Adlani, Vice-President (LR) for the region. It concentrates nearly a third of HIV-positive people in France, including 10% in Seine-Saint-Denis, 3% in Seine-et-Marne. "In this fight, in 2017, the region has" committed a budget 1.5 M €, says Farida Adlani. </p>
<h2 clbad= An application created to guide the user

This is a novelty launched this Thursday. The autotest app is now available for free on smartphones (iOS and Android). "The idea is to provide as much information as possible before, during and after the use of the HIV self-test," says Laure Poignant, product specialist at AAZ, the company that markets this test whose cost varies between 19 and 23 €. Easy to use, the application allows to learn about the seropositivity and explains how to use the self-test for which a drop of blood is enough. "It takes place in a few steps and 5 minutes of manipulation, can we read.

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<p><i> / LP </i></p>
<p> The result appears after only 15 minutes of waiting." Once the conclusions are known, "if the test is positive, a system of geolocation makes it possible to direct the user towards a center of screening and badociations close to home ", specifies Laure Poignant.The tool is adapted and personalized according to the cases </p>
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