Allergy with hair coloring: cascading testimonials after our revelations


It took a testimony to discover a much larger reality. After the terrible story of Parisian Estelle, 19, disfigured because of a hair color containing paraphenylenediamine (PPD), the comments of young women victims of the same effects keep flocking to our Facebook page.

Many of them have agreed to tell us about their mishap, which fortunately ends well every time.

Sabrina: "I put on sunglbades to hide myself"

Sabrina, 33, thought she could trust the "bio" range of her hair color brand. "For me, it was safe," she says. Rebadured by this label, the young woman does not perform the test yet recommended before applying its color. "I made it on Saturday around 17 hours. The first itching appeared in the night and continued on Sunday, "she says.

Worried by swelling on her face, Sabrina goes to the emergency room on Monday. "They just gave me cortisone," she regretted. Cantinière in a high school and high school, she does not go to work for a week. "I did not want to scare students. To pick up my children or go shopping I put on sunglbades to hide myself, "she says.

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<p><i>Sandra, after her treatment with cortisone./DR </i><strong/></p>
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<p><i>Sandra, two days after her color. / DR </i></p>
<p>After a visit to the doctor who advised her to "shave her head", Sabrina relies on cortisone treatments for several days. His face regains its normal appearance a week later. But a month and a half after this disastrous coloring, the consequences are still very present. "My scalp is still burned, and I can wash my hair only every ten days. And with each shampoo I lose a lot, and there is still a smell of burning.</p>
<h2 clbad=Anne: "The next day, I wake up with a watermelon head"

For Anne, it all started in 2012, after a henna tattoo (which contains a high concentration of PPD, Ed). "I was on vacation, in Spain, and I wanted a souvenir. I make a first tattoo that leaves very quickly, then a second before returning to Paris, "says the young woman. The latter is infected and Anne is left with a red arm and purulent for over a month. A few weeks later, accustomed to colorations, Anne gets her clbadic locks but finds lesions. "I said to myself that because of doing too often I was allergic to ammonia."

In October 2012, she remakes a color at a hairdresser "and I ask him especially without ammonia." But in the evening, Anne feels like a fever. "The next day, I wake up with a watermelon head". After a first visit to the clinic, Anne goes to the emergency department of Saint-Louis where she will remain hospitalized for one week.

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<p><i>Anne, after her coloring. / DR </i><strong/></p>
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<p><i>Anne, during her hospitalization./DR </i></p>
<p>"I was unrecognizable, I could not see anything. My scalp was purulent, burned. The big dermato of the hospital landed in my room with an internal delegation so my case was out of the ordinary ".</p>
<p>After a few days, Sandra is told that she is allergic to PPD. "I had never made the connection with this famous henna tattoo. Before this incident I had beautiful hair, I have the hair of a child of five now, very late, "she regrets.</p>
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<p><i>Anne is now much better, even if the color has damaged her hair a lot 6 years after the fact. DR </i></p>
<h2 clbad=Elisa: "My scalp had become a giant sore"

Elisa's story goes back more than thirty years, but remains rooted in her memory. "At the age of 15, I started a hairdressing apprenticeship, broken after two months because of an allergy to PPD. My hands were paralyzed to the point of not being able to hold my cutlery at the table. It shocked me. My hands were made of pus and blood, they were damaged, "she says.

Recognized allergic by occupational medicine, Elisa is redirected to another professional sector. Five years later, in a hair salon and despite his warnings, we apply to Elisa a color with PPD. "48 hours after the pose, it was the disaster, I made an edema of Quincke. My face started to swell and my scalp became a giant sore.

A high-dose injection of cortisone finally relieves Elisa. Since then, she tests every product she uses. " I have tried everything. Because when one is allergic to PPD, it is also allergic to its derivatives, "she warns.

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