An artificial ovary created with a 3D printer


The British Guardian newspaper revealed that a team of Danish researchers had succeeded in creating an artificial ovary from human tissue. Another innovation, this ovary could be conceived thanks to a 3D printer. Its main advantage? Having the ability to keep alive human eggs for several weeks

A hope for women victims of heavy treatment

The main beneficiaries of this artificial ovary could be women having undergone treatment following cancer or multiple sclerosis for example. So many diseases whose healing can cause fertility disorders. So far, the best solution for these women was to freeze their ovaries before having them re-implanted after their recovery. The new approach of the artificial ovary could be less dangerous for the health of these women.

A conclusive test on mice

Having designed these artificial ovaries, the team of researchers implanted them in seven mice Among them, three have managed to give birth to litters of mice in perfect health. However, tests on humans should not be for tomorrow. According to Susann Pores, a member of the Danish team: " it may take another five to ten years of work before we can do trials on women. "

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