An emergency service in the Drôme will close three weeks in August, for lack of substitutes


The emergency department of the Saint-Vallier hospital in northern Drôme will be closed for three weeks in August, for failing to find doctors replacing s, according to the director of Drôme Hospitals North.

"Interim doctors boycott more or less public hospitals, believing that their compensation level now capped is not enough," said Jean-Pierre Coulier in a video interview at Dauphine Libere broadcast on Friday, confirming information from the regional press.

The service already closed at night all the month of July

"It's a problem of medical demography" and the "closing is transitory", wants to rebadure the director. The urgencies of Saint-Vallier were already closed at night in July for the same reasons. During the complete closure of the service in August, the vital emergencies will be supported by the 15, the others by the emergencies of Romans-sur-Isère, the other site of the Drôme Nord Hospitals.

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A decree of the Ministry of Health now frames the income of doctors substitutes, qualified for some "mercenaries" by the Minister Agnès Buzyn.

"We also face mercenaries today, who are doctors (…) who work by day, sometimes paid 2,000 euros a day and who are now partly responsible the deficit of small peripheral hospitals, "she said in early July.

Created at the end of March, the National Union of Alternative Physicians (SNMRH) called the temporary workers to "boycott" public hospitals this summer, challenging the ceiling of their salaries to 1 404.05 euros gross for a guard of 24 hours from this year. This ceiling must be lowered to 1,287.05 euros in 2019, then 1,170.04 euros in 2020.

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