An imported case of dengue detected on the Ambès peninsula


The mosquito aedes aegypti is the main vector of the dengue virus – AP / SIPA
  • A case of dengue was detected on the peninsula of Ambès in the Gironde.
  • An operation of Mosquito control was conducted on Tuesday morning since the virus is transmitted to humans by the mosquito-tiger.
  • This is a case imported from Benin.
  • The Mayor of Ambès had called for preventive mosquito control in the spring.

On Tuesday morning, between 4 am and 6 am, the teams of the interdepartmental establishment for the mosquito control of the Atlantic littoral (EID) proceeded to an air treatment on a part of the Beauregard district of Ambès, in Gironde, on which one case of dengue was detected. It aims to limit the proliferation of the mosquito-tiger, which can transmit this virus to humans.

The person affected by this viral disease called "tropical flu" would be hospitalized. It would be an imported case of dengue, that is to say that the person was stung outside metropolitan France, in this case in Benin, according to information from France 3 New Aquitaine. [19659008Themayorcalledforapreventivespreading

"Despite all the warnings, what we feared has just happened for the first time on our peninsula. The first case of dengue in the Gironde was detected in our city in Ambès, reacted Kévin Subrenat, the mayor of Ambès, on his Facebook page. For several months, despite a carefree and mocking opposition to this project, I reiterate my request for a biological anti-larval spreading on the peninsula. Through a petition,
 the Mayor of Ambarès-et-Lagrave and more than 3,000 people also requested this spreading. "

At the end of April, the mayor of Ambès echoed the exasperation of its citizens, harbaded by mosquitoes and launched a petition to demand treatment. "I wonder why the Gironde Department, the Prefecture, the ARS and the DDTM opt for a curative and highly toxic treatment in the urban area rather than a biological preventive treatment in the marshes, which would have made it possible to lower vector density and thus limit the potential spread of diseases. Will this be enough for our major authorities to finally open their eyes and take into account the opinion of local elected representatives? ", He says in his statement.

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