Androcur under surveillance for brain tumor risk


This is an exceptional measure, used only for Mediator and Dépakine. 80,000 patients, 30,000 doctors and 2,000 health facilities will receive in the coming days a letter from the Health Insurance on risks of Androcur, used to treat a strong hair and in some cases acne and endometriosis. Problem: it would multiply by seven the risk of developing a meningioma, a brain tumor often benign, beyond six months of treatment. The risk is multiplied by twenty in case of prolonged use for more than five years.

Green number

As of July 1st, patients starting a treatment will have to sign a form informing them of the risks and will have to pbad a brain imaging exam. The validity of the prescription will then be reevaluated every ten years. A toll-free number has been set up for patients: 0 805 04 01 10.

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