Anthrax: the state takes action


Between June 30 and July 8, seven cattle (from four farms) died in the La Bâtie-Neuve and Montgardin areas. Analyzes carried out have revealed the presence of anthrax, currently confirmed for two cattle.

From the first suspicion, the State services (prefecture, Departmental Directorate of social cohesion and the protection of the populations and the Regional Health Agency) have taken all necessary measures to limit the risk of contamination of other animals.

To be protected from other contamination

The farms concerned have been placed under surveillance and preventive measures taken: antibiotic treatment and / or vaccination of all animals of the farms concerned; the ban on the exit of these animals from the farms and pastures where they are; as a precaution, the withdrawal of human consumption from all products likely to be contaminated and the prohibition of the use of private sector water supplies for livestock and persons.

Only persons who have handled corpses of dead animals (breeder, veterinarian, rendering plant) may be at risk of being contaminated. They have all been, in connection with the ARS, identified and directed to their doctor in order to benefit if necessary from a preventive antibiotic treatment. In addition to professional activities in connection with farmed animals, general prevention measures in the areas concerned make it possible to guard against any possible contamination.

"It is therefore necessary – in the municipalities of La Bâtie-Neuve and Montgardin- to respect the enclosures of the pastures, not to touch the found dead animals, to keep the dogs on a leash and not to pick the wild berries and the mushrooms ", indicated the prefecture by release.

The breeders and vets suspecting a cases of the disease should contact the DDCSPP at 04 92 22 22 30. State services always seek the origin of the contamination and follow in real time the evolution of the situation.

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