Are you concerned about drug shortages? tell us


Drug shortages in France are recurrent: in 2017 alone, 530 medicines were affected by shortages. – Denis Closon / ISOPIX / SIPA

Supply problems more and more frequent. Shortages of drugs and vaccines are recurrent in France.
A Senate report, released in early October, identified no less than 530 drug shortages in 2017, ten times more than ten years ago.
Treatment of Parkinson's disease, anticancer drugs or infant vaccines and other antibiotics are regularly out of stock in pharmacies in France. A phenomenon with multiple causes, which is synonymous with galley for patients whose treatment is no longer available in pharmacies.

Is this your case? What disorder do you suffer from and which drug do you miss? Has an effective therapeutic alternative been offered to you? How does this affect your daily life? Tell us.

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