Arrested for beating his dog, he picks him up after being held in police custody


(Drawing). A Malinois shepherd. – ARDEA / MARY EVANS / SIPA

A 31-year-old man was arrested in Le Havre (Seine-Maritime) during the night from Sunday to Monday while beating his dog. In spite of this violent treatment, the individual was able to recover his animal, aged seven and a half months at the end of his custody, reports

When he returned home shortly after midnight, the man noticed that his dog had bitten cables, including those from his Internet box, in his absence. Furious, he then gave him several punches. The animal managed to escape from his master by fleeing through the door of the apartment, remained open.

Thrown several times on the ground

The man chased his dog into the street, where the police arrested him. The dog, crossed between a Malinois and a staff, was bleeding at the muzzle and suffered several injuries. While in custody, the master admitted to having been violent towards his animal, to the point of having taken it at arm's length to throw it several times on the ground.

He also admitted to being an alcoholic at the time and said he would not do it again. Arguments that were probably enough since the puppy was returned to him. The 30-year-old will still have to appear in August in court for "serious abuse."

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