At least 3% of the Moroccan population affected by psoriasis


At least 3% of the Moroccan population is affected by psoriasis, while 15% of affected patients are children, said Saturday in Skhirat, Hanane Baybay, member of the Moroccan Society of Dermatology (MDS) and doctor at Dermatology service at the University Hospital Center (CHU) of Fes.

This inflammatory skin disease has been declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a chronic disease, noted Mrs. Baybay in a statement to the MAP on the sidelines of a meeting organized at the initiative of the MDS at the same time. occasion of the National Day of Psoriasis.

Recalling that this epidemic affects more than 125 million people around the world, the specialist called for improving the care and medical coverage of people who suffer in Morocco, noting that treatment costs are high for both women and men. patients only for health systems.

For her part, the president of the SMD, Fatima Zahra Mernissi, noted that this disease that involves genetic or environmental factors affects a large part of the population, lamenting its psychosocial impact, especially on the child.

The manager also explained that the purpose of this meeting is to present an updated version of the psoriasis benchmark in Morocco, whose goal is to obtain adapted and up-to-date Moroccan recommendations, but also to defend the integration of psoriasis. as a long-term condition (ALD), adding that there is no cure for psoriasis, but this outbreak requires long-term control.

"Scientific advances have led to new therapeutic areas and treatments that have improved the lives of patients, but unfortunately these drugs are very expensive and not available to patients," she said. , that "the SMD, collaborates with the Ministry of Health and the National Agency of the health insurance (ANAM) to be able to remedy this epidemic".

The goal of this collaboration is also to provide patients suffering from this chronic disease treatment and guarantee them a better quality of life and good social profitability, she added.

This meeting took place in the presence of representatives of the badociations, ANAM officials and dermatologists.


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