At Pôle Emploi, to print her CV, she has to bring her own paper


UNEMPLOYMENT – In four years of unemployment, Celine had never seen that. As France Bleu Normandie reported on Monday, November 26, this resident of Gravigny, in Eure, lived a ubiquitous scene while she went to the agency Pôle Emploi on which she depends, in Evreux.

Wishing to change her resume, the unemployed settled in front of a computer made available in the local. But at the time of printing the document to drop it as quickly as possible in different temporary work agencies, she realizes that the printer has no more paper in reserve.

Céline then chooses to inquire with an employee of the agency: "She tells me that Pôle Emploi no longer gives paper because it costs too much, that there is too much abuse and that henceforth it it's up to us to bring back our leaves. "

Having made a commitment to apply within the hour in three boxes of interim, she insisted, stupefied in front of the answer of her interlocutor. "So, they gave me a sheet of paper, so that I can print a resume," she continues, always France Bleu Normandie. And while she tries a parade by asking to photocopy the printed CV, "I was told that the machine was not working for the same reason, no paper."

On the local antenna of Radio France, Pôle Emploi says that copiers and other printers are nevertheless self-service in all its agencies, despite the many abuses.

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