At the CHU, the children will go to be operated by electric cart


Monday evening, July 23, the University Hospital of Caen presented the two electric carts that will accompany children in their hospitalization. The two cars, a gray Mercedes and a white Porsche will be driven by the children when possible, or remotely piloted by the nursing staff. A way to make a hospital stay more joyful

The two carts were donated to the CHU by the badociation Levinou which brings together parents of sick children. Sandrine Rouelle, a volunteer with the badociation, is at the origin of this action: "I am a mother of a little boy, followed at the CHU since birth, so I come regularly. was going to be operated, in January, I thought back to the video I had seen on the Internet where children are accompanied by cars to go to the block I asked for toy signs for to know if they wanted to help us in this project. " A department store responds favorably and gives the two carts to the badociation.

Thanks to this donation, the conditions of the operation are more favorable for children, and therefore also for parents : "As parents, we are inevitably stressed, and we transmit this stress to the child.The carts will help for the care because, _ going to an operating room, it's traumatic for a child _ " explains Sandrine Rouelle.

Even for the nursing staff, these toys will be beneficial, this is the opinion of Philippe Ravbade, head of pediatric surgery department at the CHU: "It reduces the anxiety of the child. A more relaxed child is better working conditions for the intervention room. anesthesia is easier, for example. "

The cars will be used from the next school year. First for the operations, but perhaps also for less heavy interventions, "like an MRI, a consultation or a scanner" details Professor Ravbade. The stated objective being to add the most possible moments of play during a hospitalization.

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