At the hospital, 19,000 doctor positions are vacant


According to the latest annual report of the National Center for the Management of Hospital Practitioners, 19,000 medical positions would be vacant in French hospitals. Explanations

In French hospitals, incumbent doctors are scarce: here is the conclusion of the last annual report of the National Center for the Management of Hospital Practitioners (CNG) published Thursday, July 12, 2018.

More precisely, about 19 000 positions reserved for doctors were "statutarily vacant" at the beginning of the year 2018. This corresponds to 15,052 "budgeted" positions but not "occupation statutairement" by full-time hospital practitioners (PH), plus 4039 Part-time PH positions

In total, according to the CNG report, the "statutory vacancy rate" for full-time positions "increased by 0.9 percentage points between 2017 and 2018" and was January 1, 2018 to 27.4%. For part-time positions, it peaks at 47%.

In Burgundy, the Center region and Normandy, unfilled positions

The regions that miss the most doctors at the hospital (full-time as part-time) are Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Center-Val de Loire and Normandy. On the other hand, the rate of "statutory vacancy" is lower than the national average in Brittany, Ile-de-France and Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur.

The most sought-after specialties at the hospital are the anesthesia-resuscitation, ophthalmology and radiology. Conversely, there does not appear to be a shortage in pediatrics, child surgery and dermatology

Good news: a large part of the full-time vacancies are "temporarily occupied" by contract practitioners. In January 2017, the CNG estimated their number at more than 12,000 in French hospitals.

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