Auto parts, winter break, energy check …: what changes on April 1st


Better information on used car parts, revaluation of certain social benefits, end of the winter break, sending energy checks …: here are some changes that will occur in the life of the French from April 1st.

Better information on used auto parts

Since January 1, 2017, automotive professionals must offer used parts instead of new parts for the maintenance or repair of a vehicle. An order that comes into effect from 1 April 2019 now sets the terms for informing customers about the prices and terms of sale of these coins from the circular economy.

More specifically, this decree provides for the consumer to be clearly informed of his right to opt for used parts. It also requires that the consumer has knowledge of the price and origin of coins (recycled end-of-life vehicle parts, or refurbished parts).

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Rise in the resource ceiling for CMU-C

Currently, the (annual) ceiling of resources not to be exceeded to benefit from the CMU-C (complementary universal health cover) amounts to 8 810 euros for a single person. As of April 1st, this ceiling will be raised to 8 951 euros for a single person, residing regularly in France (except in Mayotte) and uninterrupted for more than three months, 13 426 € for a home made up of two people etc.

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Photo Credit: Capture Family File

Revalorization of certain social benefits

Several social benefits are going increase by 0.3% as of April 1, 2019. These are disability pensions under the general plan, the increase for constant badistance from a third party, the amount of the death benefit and annuities and indemnities paid in the event of an accident at work. The monthly base of family allowances will also increase by only 0.3%. As for the supplementary disability allowance (ASI), it must increase by 1.6%.

End of the winter break

March 31 marked the end of the winter break, during which evictions of tenants were suspended. As of April 1st, these evictions will be possible again.

In addition, as part of the winter plan, 14,000 accommodation spaces were opened from 1 November to 31 March in France. As of April 1st, these emergency accommodation spaces are closing. Every year, the badociations call for the perpetuation of a "maximum of places of accommodation" to prevent thousands of people find themselves in the street overnight. Housing Minister Julien Denormandie has announced that 6,000 emergency shelter spaces would be maintained this year, bringing to 145,000 the number of places open all year.

Sending energy checks

Energy vouchers will be sent to homes that benefit in New Aquitaine in the week of April 15th to 19th and will arrive at the recipients within two to four days. These checks, which help nearly 6 million homes to pay energy bills (electricity, gas, oil or wood) or some expenses related to the energy renovation of housing, have an average value of 200 euros. Their maximum amount of 277 euros.

Awarded each year according to the income and the composition of the household, the energy check is automatically sent to eligible persons without any steps being taken. Small specificity in the region, if the vast majority of shipments takes place in the week of April 15 to 19, in the Deux-Sèvres shipments are spread over two weeks, the second wave taking place in the week of April 22 to 25. For Bordeaux, there are six shipments spread over 3 weeks, between 8 and 25 April.

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Last days to finalize your Parcoursup file

As part of the Parcoursup procedure, post-secondary students wishing to continue their studies in higher education haveuntil April 3 to finalize their application on the website

Last days for registrations at the SNU

In New Aquitaine, this only concerns the Creuse, which is one of the 13 pilot departments. Girls and boys between the ages of 15 and 16 who have completed their Grade 3 education, living in the 13 pilot departments (one per large region and one in Overseas) and who wish to enroll in the National Universal Service (UNS) have until April 4 to do it on the site Note that volunteers do not have the opportunity to choose the department where they will perform the first phase of their SNU. Travel between the home and the boarding school or army site badigned to each youth will be paid by the State.

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