Republicans (LR) are preparing the deadline for the European elections in May 2019, but without overconfidence. To be clear, in the minds of all party executives, the Europeans constitute a "hurdle to cross" for its president Laurent Wauquiez, and nothing else. The movement remains torn between a very pro-European trend, incarnated by former prime ministers Alain Juppé and Jean-Pierre Raffarin.
A trend in the process of merging with The Republic On the Move (REM) and a more Eurosceptic trend, incarnated first and foremost by Laurent Wauquiez himself. He struggles to make his voice heard between a head of state, Emmanuel Macron, who plays him the European champions, and the President of the National Assembly, Marine Le Pen, who played the card of euroscepticism for a long time.
So around the boss LR we minimize as much as we can stake: "This is an election base," repeated yesterday to RTL one of those who advise. The goal, not ambitious, is badumed: avoid a rout Laurent Wauquiez for his first election as a party leader.
Seduce the electorate of Dupont-Aignan
With an obsession: to make nick to Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, the candidate of Debout Republic: "The surveys of opinion show that it is it which prevents us from arriving in front.Either one takes him three points, or one loses ", said yesterday an outgoing MP. Between the two electorates, everything would still be able to move. "It's totally fluid," wanted to believe yesterday a close Laurent Wauquiez.
"You have to stick to the subjects you are connected with, like immigration, and find a list leader who speaks to his electorate." Suffice to say that neither the hypothesis of the young philosopher François-Xavier Bellamy, whom I told you about this microphone, nor that of the former Minister of European Affairs are the case in the eyes of those who plead for this strategy. "Every time he opens his mouth it's to talk about humanism!" cowardly about him an old bartender of the party.
LR where, moreover, it is not completely excluded that the president of RN Marine Le Pen decides at the very last minute to take the lead of the listalthough she always said the opposite and despite the sums of money that the European Parliament would demand from her immediately. It has even been mentioned before Laurent Wauquiez by one of his relatives who considers that it must be anticipated. The president of the party, on whom the pressure would then rise a notch, would have responded only by silence.
UDI frees from REM
About the heads of the list, at the UDI, we decided not to make common cause with LREM, we also look for the rare pearl. Jean-Christophe Lagarde, the boss of this center-right party founded by Jean-Louis Borloo would be, according to RTL information, in discussion with a former LR: Deputy Mayor of Bordeaux Virginie Calmels, former patroness of Endemol.
This Juppéiste had been ousted Republicans of which she was vice-president beside Laurent Wauquiez. In particular, he was criticized for publicly criticizing the party line and the boss's methods.
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