Bed bugs: how to get rid of them?


Bed bugs are strongly resurgent in Europe, and in France in particular. After having almost disappeared in the 1950s, they are making a comeback because of the increase in the number of international travelers and the appearance of insecticide resistant bugs. And as they are tiny (5 mm long maximum), we do not always see their presence on our vacation spot. So, we bring them back into the bag and we infest his home back without realizing it. It can also be found at home in the fall if we rented his house to vacationers.

A careful inspection is required upon arrival

Before unpacking your luggage, inspect the rental room scrupulously to check the absence of bedbugs. These flattened brown insects, which look a bit like apple seeds, are not easy to flush out. They can leave small black spots on the sheets but if they have just been changed, impossible to spot them upon arrival in the bedding. It is therefore necessary to look in the box spring, the headboard, the bedspread, the curtains, the carpets, the cushions, the armchairs … Also look around the sockets, switches and hinges of the doors. If you find one or two suspicious insects, notify the reception and immediately ask to change rooms or bungalows (avoiding the one next door).

For more security, leave your clothes in your suitcase because the drawers and cupboards of cupboards can also host bedbugs.

Returning, essential precautions

On the return, do not put your suitcase on the bed and wash everything in it at 60 degrees even the clothes you did not wear. Bed bugs are destroyed at high temperatures. Fragile textiles can be ironed or placed in the freezer for 3 days at -20 ° C. Do not store the suitcase – if possible – in your room, but in the cellar or garage.

If you've brought home a family of bed bugs, you'll know it soon by spotting itchy red bites on your calves, arms, or torso in the morning when you wake up. "Bedbugs will not necessarily be found in the sheets, says Dr. Fabien Squinasi, former director of the laboratory of hygiene of the city of Paris, but you can confirm their presence if small black spots (their droppings) or fine contrails of blood are visible. "

What to do if your house is infected?

Better to act without delay, before bed bugs proliferate further. The National Center of Expertise on Vectors (CNEV) recommends scrupulously aspire all the parts not only the parquet but also the sommiers, the sofas, the skirting boards and the interior of the cabinets. So that the small squatters do not come out of the vacuum cleaner, take out the bag, close it well and go immediately throw it in an outdoor trash. Then put all bed linen and pajamas at 60 ° C to the machine.

If these drastic measures are not enough, contact a specialist in the eradication of pests because insecticides sold in supermarkets are not very effective . Plan two successive interventions (by biocide, steam or heat) two weeks apart.

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