Beware of ticks in Sarthe! How to avoid Lyme disease with sometimes serious consequences? –


 Tics, responsible for a wound: Lyme disease
Ticles, responsible for a wound: Lyme disease. (© illustration / Pixabay CC.)

Warnings from the regional health agency ( ARS ) of Pays de la Loire ] vis-a-vis the dangers of the Lyme disease also worth for the Sarthe where you have already returned from a walk – in the woods in particular – with, planted in your skin, ticks . Warning: if they are infected with a bacterium, you may have contracted it.

Lyme disease: what are we talking about?

Lyme disease or Lyme borreliosis is transmitted to humans by tick bites infected with a bacterium of the genus Borrelia . However, do not panic either: all ticks are not infected.

The tick is a parasitic mite visible to the naked eye but of very small size which lives anchored on the skin of mammals : cows, horses, dogs, cats, game, birds, rodents … but it can also bite you, humans.

If Lyme disease is present throughout France … and therefore also in Sarthe, it is much more Limousin, Alsace and Rhône-Alpes where it seems anchored

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Which populations are most at risk?

Lyme disease mainly affects people doing activities in the wilderness: campers hikers gardeners

That is that ticks most fond of woodlands and hu mides the tall grbad of meadows the gardens the forest parks or the urban parks .

The season where ticks are most numerous goes from April to November

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Within 3 to 30 days after stinging, Lyme disease may first appear as a red and round plaque that extends in circle – talk about erythema migrant – from the puncture site, then disappears … taking its time: a few weeks to a few months

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Why you must be careful

If you do not receive antibiotic treatment neurological signs paralysis of the face with nerves and of the brain – or with joints -bends, knees … – or, more rarely , other organs – including the heart – may appear weeks or months after the sting.

After several months or years, in the absence of treatment serious injuries nerves, joints, heart and skin may settle in.

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How to protect oneself?

Before an activity in full nature:

to get a pull-tick ] or a very fine, non-sharp tweezers;

to wear clothing covering most of the body and closed shoes and a hat;

to enter the shirt in pants and bottom of trousers in socks;

use repellents when spraying clothing, shoes and body parts that might come into contact with vegetation, anti-tick products ;

use an anti-tick product for pets .

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While e you are in the middle of nature:

use trails where possible, avoid contact with grbades and brush,

do not sit or lie directly on the ground;

regularly clothing and body parts that came into contact with vegetation because ticks do not attach themselves immediately to the skin .

Leaving the wilderness: [19659007] the tick bite being painless perform a systematic search for tick (s);

carefully examine the entire body especially in the armpits, elbow creases and knee, scalp, back of ears, bad areas. Ask a loved one to help you scan your head and back;

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repeat this examination during the following days to make sure of the identification of the smallest less visible ticks;

to think also to examination of house animals clothing and hiking bags

Radical solution : Ticks do not resist washing clothes and bags at a minimum temperature of 60 ° C.

If you find a tick planted in your skin

do not compress the body of the tick or attempt to kill it with ether, oil, alcohol or a flame: this could to make it regurgitate the bacteria it contains:

remove the tick as quickly as possible using a tick-tick (you will find in pharmacy) or a very thin tweezers not cutting. 19659004] Do not relax your vigilance [19659005] to monitor the stung area for several weeks-about 30 days

if a red and round plate that extends in a circle appears within one month after the sting, seek medical attention . An antibiotic treatment may then be prescribed.

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