Breast cancer: Women with fibrous breasts would be at higher risk


Fibrous bads would expose women to a higher risk of developing cancer. Here is the conclusion of a Norwegian study published in the journal Radiology . Researchers badyzed the chest of more than 100,000 women aged 50 to 59.

Of these, 28% had fibrous or dense bads. These bads have the distinction of being richer in glandular tissue than in fatty tissue . Results:

  • In biennial mammograms, 3.6% of women with fibrous bads had suspicious results compared to 2.7% of other women.
  • The average diameter of tumors detected was 16.6 millimeters in the group of dense bads and 15.1 in the other group.
  • Positive lymph node disease was found in 24% of women with fibrous bads, compared to 18% of other women.

Only mammography can appreciate bad density

Breast density would act so on the probability of having bad cancer. Until now, only a link with the severity of these cancers was established . In 2002, American scientists demonstrated the fallibility of mammograms in women with fibrous bads.

The accuracy of this examination fell below 50% in these women (against more than 98% accuracy in examinations of women with so-called "greasy" bads). Tumors may go undetected and only be discovered much later, at a critical stage

It is not possible to determine the density of one's bads to the touch or the naked eye. Only a mammogram can measure it. The areas rich in glandular tissue appear white, while the greasy areas correspond to the dark areas of the image. The image below shows a very dense bad on the right.

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visible signs

Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed female cancer . Tracked early, pathology has a good prognosis for healing. Among the symptoms that may cause suspicion of bad cancer:

  • the presence of a lump;
  • an abnormal flow; greenish or bloody;
  • a change in the skin of the bad; redness, crease or adhesion;

Without a risk factor (bad cancer in the family or history of bad lesions), the High Authority of Health advises to perform a mammogram every two years from the age of 50.

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