Brioche bread high in protein supported by Social Security


DIETARY. A little brioche bread soon sold in pharmacies and reimbursed by the Secu! This bread, said G-nutrition, has just been listed on the list of products reimbursed by Social Security. This original dietary food is now considered usable "for special medical purposes" was developed after ten years of research by the Cérélab laboratory, in Aiserey, Côte-d'Or . Many actors in the wheat-flour-bread and other sectors (University Hospital of Dijon, National Institute of Agricultural Research, Center for Taste and Food Sciences) participated in this project. Made by the Dijon Céréales group, it is designed to meet the nutritional deficiencies of the elderly. Hyper-energy (3.01 kcal / g), high protein (20.6 g of protein / 100 g), enriched in selenium and fiber (5.1 g) are, as detailed in the decree of July 9, the characteristics of this bun (65 g)

Increased protein requirements

Presented as an oral nutritional supplement (NOC), the brand specifies that it is recommended in the following situations: increased protein requirements of the elderly or malnourished, in the case of pathology (cancer, HIV …) or muscle wasting. In practice "one to two loaves a day, integrated into a balanced diet" . According to Cérélab, this brioche bread, with a slightly vanilla flavor, would be ideal for breakfast, snack or snack. It can also be eaten to accompany a meal by malnourished old people who can no longer chew or swallow fresh bread.

In 2016, the Commission of the High Authority of Health found "a therapeutic interest in this bread in the undernutrition indications of the patient with intact intestinal function, in situations of deficiency of protein intake of less than 0.9 g / kg / day or hypermetabolism or hypercatabolism ". And estimated the target population to 450 000 people!

The support by Social Security (and some mutual) is currently scheduled until July 31, 2023. The distribution circuit pharmacy this bread provides a marketing in September. Expected retail price of 1.04 euros (boxes of 12 planned).

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