Brioche bread reimbursed by Social Security


A bread rich in protein has just been put on the list of products reimbursed by Social Security and will be available for sale from September. It is primarily intended for seniors.

In the fall, you can buy bread in pharmacies … and be reimbursed by Social Security! Said like that, it may seem unlikely, unless you already know the brioche G-Nutrition, produced in Côte d'Or by the Cérélab laboratory.

This bread, hypernutritive and rich in protein, can now be prescribed by doctors as a drug, according to a decree published in the Official Journal in early July and will be sold 1.04 euro per unit. It contains vitamins B6, B9 and B12 as well as a high content of calcium and selenium (trace element which is a powerful antioxidant) to fight against aging.

In detail, this bun of 65 grams is hyperenergetic (almost 200 kcal) and hyperprotidic (13 g, two and a half times more than a conventional bun) and must be consumed within 70 days

Fight against malnutrition

Bread G-Nutrition, fruit of a work of more than ten years, was conceived by the University Hospital of Dijon, the National Institute of agronomic research (INRA), the group Dijon Cereals and the Center of sciences of the taste and the food and has finally been rewarded by this addition to the list of products refundable by the Secu. It had also benefited from the support of the Single Interministerial Fund (1) .

This product, similar to a milk bread and easier to chew than the traditional baguette, was designed to avoid the loss muscle mbad in the elderly, as well as fight against undernutrition, which affects more than 2 million people 1 (including 640 000 elderly) in France.

Already distributed in recent years as a supplement food in hospitals and retirement homes, it seduces older generations who find the sensation of eating a product they know well.

(1) According to the French-speaking society, clinical nutrition and metabolism.

Posted on 01/08/2018 at 06:02
                                                                 Last updated about 1 hour ago

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