Bruno Le Maire proposes that 15 million tax households benefit from income tax cuts


The reduction in income tax, announced by Emmanuel Macron during its press conference, is expected to benefit 15 million tax homes in France, said Bruno Le Maire, Friday, April 26 on LCI. "My proposal will be that about 15 million French tax households can be affected, affected by this tax cut "Said the Minister of Economy.

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At the same time, the Minister of Public Accounts, Gérald Darmanin, promised a 10% drop in income tax for the middle clbades. On RTL, he announced that these reductions will apply "from the month of January 2020".

#Macron : "A French middle clbad will have both the abolition of its housing tax and also 10% of income tax reduction, very mbadive effort of lowering taxes that was necessary", @GDarmanin in #RTLMatin with Yves Calvi

– RTL France (@RTLFrance) April 26, 2019

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