By following these 5 rules, you will lower your energy bill


At the foot of the residences of Pugets, rue Alphonse-Daudet in Saint-Laurent-du-Var, a "apartment" witness draws the eye. This itinerant pedagogical habitat (1) (it will be on Monday in Carros is installed in a mobile container).

Between her "walls", Kheira Miloud, energy advisor distills her advice. Michel Hamel and Carole Nancey, two tenants laurentins pushed the door of this housing of a new kind. They are listening.

Ask the expert: "So, the Internet box, it should be extinguished when not used? I, I always thought that if we turned off, we deprogrammed everything", admits Michel Hamel.

"With this operation, the objective is to present eco-gestures so that people do them in a sustainable way"explains the expert. Focus on five actions to adopt daily to consume better and reduce, thus, its bill.

1- "Cover your pans"

Tip and trick in the kitchen when preparing meals. "Cover your pots to boil water, it's 30% savings", indicates a sign on the wall of the itinerant habitat.

"We limit the consumption of the hobs", supports the energy expert. "Also, when boiling water for rice, pasta and others: you must put the salt in the end. Sodium will lengthen the boiling time. "

Another tip: adapt the containers to the size of the hob to avoid losses.

2- "Know the operation of these devices"

"Before, when buying an electrical appliance, the customer had a contact person.Today, this is no longer the case: we go to the cash register, without any awareness", poses Kheira Miloud.

For her, he is "It's very important to know the operation and the program of these devices: for a washing machine for example: avoid fast programs When you look at the number of liters of water consumed and Watts, it is undeniable: is extremely energy-intensive, we must focus on eco programs. "

Another tip, laundry side: wash at 30 ° C "rather than 90 ° C consumes three times less energy".

3- "Help with small devices"

"There are a multitude of small devices that are not very expensive that can significantly reduce the bill"says Kheira Miloud. For example: the mechanical programming socket makes it possible to control its consumption.

A practical device since it allows to program, control and / or remote control a power supply. Very useful for outdoor lighting, a water pump and others.

"There are also presence detectors to turn on the light, which is ideal, for example, for children who constantly forget to turn off the lights.The first prices are displayed at 4.50 euros."

4- "Avoid charging these devices all night"

"80% of the French charge their smartphone, tablet or other device all night long.This is a behavior to be forgotten.It is very energy-consuming and it also damages the device in question.It simply has to recharge the necessary time. Elsewhere, the mechanical programming socket makes it possible to program the charging time. "

5- "Fight against new behaviors"

"There is a new fashion that can be seen in many series: talking in the kitchen with the fridge open.There is also the fact to let turn on his computer all day, it is necessary to fight against these new behaviors. "

1. In partnership with Habitat 06, the State, the Region, the Environment and Energy Management Agency, EDF and LVD Energy.

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