Cameroon-Info.Net :: Cameroon – Alert: Already six deaths and fifty cases of cholera recorded in North and Yaoundé


The Minister of Public Health reports on the first report and calls on the population to be more vigilant.

The toll of the cholera epidemic is increasing in Cameroon. After the North and Yaoundé, in the Central Region, the epidemic threatens to spread throughout the country. According to the Minister of Public Health, the balance sheet as of yesterday, July 14, 2018, is 43 cases treated and 6 deaths.

"Cases of cholera have been recorded since May 2018 in four districts of the Northern Region bordering a neighboring country. On July 12, 2018, a case of cholera was confirmed in the city of Yaoundé, "said Minister André Mama Fouda in a statement issued yesterday.

The Minister of Public Health rebadures that all necessary measures have been taken in all other regions of Cameroon to contain the epidemic. However, he urges people to be more vigilant in front of anyone with acute watery diarrhea with or without vomiting.

Cholera is a highly contagious disease transmitted by consumption, according to the communication unit of the Ministry of Health. water or food contaminated with cholera vibrio. It manifests itself as an abundant diarrhea, liquid and painless aspect grains of rice or palm wine, repeated and abundant vomiting and abdominal pains. These manifestations observed in any person, to the absence of an early management, can cause an alteration of the general state even death.

To prevent this very contagious and mortal epidemic, the following precautions are to be taken : "Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, especially before and after meals and when returning from the toilet; routinely use latrines or WCs; boil the drinking water before consumption; wash and eat well cooked; Leave the funeral care to professionals "recalls the Minister of Public Health.

The last very heavy toll of the cholera epidemic in Cameroon dates back to the year 2010 with nearly 300 deaths recorded.

19659009] Adeline ATANGANA