Cannabis plantation discovered through water damage


Illustration of cannabis plants. – French customs

In addition to a buoy, he will need a lawyer. Sunday evening, a bbad intervention of firefighters for a water damage in a house of
Roubaix made it possible to discover a
Illegal cannabis planting was reported Monday at the Departmental Fire and Rescue Center.

[[[[#ContreLesTrafics of narcotics]Following a water damage in a house of #Roubaix Sunday evening, discovery of 180 feet of cannabis and all the material used for its cultivation.

➡️ Owner's Inquiry

– National Police 59 (@PolicyNat59) July 30, 2019

It was around 19h that firefighters were required for a water leak in a home in Roubais. The water had spread to a nearby house, forcing firefighters to also intervene inside it. And it is in this last house, on the second floor, that the relief fell on an "industrial" cannabis plantation according to the police. With the help of all the necessary cultivation material, 180 cannabis plants flourished quietly out of sight.

A 38-year-old man placed in police custody

The occupants of the home were not present at the time of the intervention of the firefighters and the police. According to our source, it was a couple with children whose home was the main residence. The 38-year-old man, unknown to the judiciary, was arrested and detained on his return home. His wife, who has not been placed in police custody, should nevertheless be heard by the investigators soon. The investigations are continuing.



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