Carlos Ghosn case: questions about the Japanese investigation


The apparent disproportion between the reason for the investigation and the strict detention imposed on the Renault CEO raises questions. The defense of Carlos Ghosn is organized.

The case Carlos Ghosn does not escape the standard of resounding business: after the revelation time comes the time of doubt. We are there, including Japan. The accusations against Carlos Ghosn, particularly by the press, are today being challenged more and more vigorously by his defense team, which is just starting up, and by discordant voices in the Japanese judicial world.

READ ALSO – In Kosuge, in the sinister prison of Carlos Ghosn

Officially, the Tokyo prosecutor has arrested the industry captain for concealing the exact amount of his compensation from the Japanese stock market authorities. He would have organized to collect a part after his retirement, scheduled for 2022. This accusation raises three questions. The first is the level of transparency requirements in Japan. Listed companies only require the publication of the remuneration of their managers since 2009.

The second door, in case of …

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