How to avoid toxic substances and what to do to limit the damage? On the set of the 13 Hours, the journalist Julie Beckrich advocates a first reflex: "Always wash a garment before wearing it for the first time.This eliminates including chemicals sprayed on clothing for the conservation of colors during transport and in rays ". She continues: "ANSES requires an effort to industrialists: add a label that alerts customers to the presence of certain allergens."
Sportswear are also pointed at. "They contain PFCs, for perfluorinated compounds, chemicals dangerous for humans, the NGO Greenpeace has shown, with a test on 40 products: 90% of shoes, sports jackets and tested sleeping bags contain PFCs, it is the substance that ensures resistance to heat, but is also very persistent and harmful to the environment ", details the journalist.
Fortunately, there exists two labels guaranteeing the absence of chemical substances: "the GOTS label (Global Organic Textile Standard) and the Oeko-Tex 100 label, which guarantee the absence or the very low content of toxic products for humans and for the environment You can also enter the references of a product on the site or the app ecocompare.com It details the use or not of irritating substances in your product, indicates if it benefits from a label and badigns a score based on its impact on the enviro ", concludes.
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