cleaning up would be as harmful as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day


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Should we use a protective suit to make cleaning … or waiting for robots to do it for us? According to a Norwegian study published in February in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, and identified by the French press a few days ago, some household cleaning products used too frequently could be particularly harmful to the body. . For example, regular use of maintenance sprays is equivalent to smoking 20 cigarettes a day over a period of 10 to 20 years, alert researchers.

"We were concerned that such chemicals, by regularly causing airway damage day after day, year after year, could accelerate the rate of decline in lung function that occurs with age," warns Cecile Svanes. Professor at the Center for International Health at the University of Bergen and co-author of the study. In addition, these products lead to an increased risk of asthma and respiratory symptoms.

Unsurprisingly, household professionals are more affected by these respiratory problems, as well as women, who make statistically much more household than men

To limit the danger, Cecile Svanes says that "these chemicals are generally useless" and advocates the use of microfiber cloths and water that are "more than enough for most uses".

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