Coffee would finally be good for your health


BENEFICIARY – According to a latest study confirming the trend of the previous ones, there is a link between coffee consumption and a reduction in the mortality rate. However, researchers do not know yet what this phenomenon is due to.

– The drafting of LCI

Long suspected of being bad for health, coffee could ultimately be beneficial to him. At least, it could allow to live longer. According to a study published in the medical journal JAMA, the trend observed since several research tends to be confirmed.

By drawing on a database containing the genetic, medical and lifestyle information of more than nine million Britons, the scientists studied 502,641 profiles of men and women, from 38 to 73 years old. For those who drink six to seven cups of coffee a day (100 grams of ground product per cup), the mortality rate is reduced by 10 to 16% compared to those who do not drink it.

It is also lower by 6 to 12% for consumers of four cups a day and 8 to 14% for heavy drinkers (eight cups a day). What to confirm American and European studies, dating from 2012 and 2017.

This new research, however, brings a new element, namely that caffeine is not linked to this reduction in the mortality rate. Indeed, scientists have noticed that four genes participate in the metabolism of caffeine and inactivate it. However, some mutations of these genes make their action months effective, so that a person can be more or less sensitive to caffeine. However, the presence of "good" or "bad" mutations has no impact on the link between coffee consumption and mortality decline.

The researchers therefore suggest that it is not caffeine that is good for health, but another element present in the cup of coffee, which has not yet been highlighted.

The drafting of LCI


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