Collapsed buildings in Marseille: an open judicial investigation for "involuntary homicides"


JUSTICE – The public prosecutor's office of Marseille has decided to open a judicial investigation, for "involuntary homicides", just over three weeks after the collapse of the rue d'Aubagne buildings in Marseille.

– The drafting of LCI

The case continues to shake the city of Marseille. After the collapse of three buildings rue d'Aubagne that left eight dead, November 5 last, the prosecutor's office of Marseille announced on Tuesday the opening of a judicial investigation against X for "aggravated" manslaughter by violation manifestly deliberate duty of care or security ".

According to the prosecutor of Marseilles, "to date, the causes of the collapse of these buildings (…) are not established". The investigation aims to determine the exact causes of the tragedy and to establish possible responsibilities in the collapse of these dilapidated buildings, located in a popular district of the hyper-center.

A few days after the collapse of these three buildings, searches had been conducted at the offices of the Town Hall, Marseille Habitat, the social landlord, and homes of owners of collapsed buildings. Experts had also been searched but the Marseilles public prosecutor had not wished to give their names.

Following one of their conclusions, the first floor of the number 65 – a co-ownership – had been the subject of an impending peril on October 19, with the prohibition to live there. For the other floors, the by-law recommended a series of emergency works, to be carried out before 9 November. The number 63, meanwhile, was under a decree of danger for ten years. It had been acquired by Marseille Habitat in 2017, and had been emptied and walled. He had also been appraised at the end of October.

In all, 183 buildings, or 1352 people, have been evacuated in Marseille since the collapse of three dilapidated buildings rue d'Aubagne, according to a report published Sunday by the town hall. 1104 people are supported and hosted by the City of Marseille, in 30 hotels. On Monday, a meeting with the badociations was planned and 18 representatives of badociations and collectives were received by the City Council to take stock of the measures put in place by the mayor on the legal and humanitarian.

The LCI editorial

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