Condoms now reimbursed by the sécu!


It was the Minister of Health, Agnès Buzyn, who announced it this morning on France Inter.

If you listened to the radio this morning, you could not miss this info. Agnès Buzyn, invited in the morning of France Inter, announced that condoms would now be reimbursed by social security on medical prescription.

" We can now, when we are young or when we present particular risks, or not elsewhere, when we are a woman or when we are a man, go see his doctor and have condoms reimbursed on medical prescription. She also clarified that the reimbursement only concerned one or more brands of condoms in particular, but did not specify which ones.

.@AgnesBuzyn on HIV: "We can go see his doctor and have condoms reimbursed on medical prescription" # le79inter

– France Inter (@franceinter) November 27, 2018

The news falls just a few days from the World AIDS Day, and while free screenings are organized throughout the capital. When will the refund of the lub?

Long live the condoms.

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