cuddling a tree can be dangerous


<p clbad = "canvas-atom-canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = " PERILS. Difficult, lately, to escape the fashion of. "But beware, kissing a hardwood or conifer is not without danger! The embrace, especially if it is practiced in shorts and short sleeves, may turn short as the trunks are home to many perils irritating, stinging … even fatal. " The loggers know, for example, that it is a very bad idea to tighten an oak or a charm.Their bark can accommodate a frullania , a foam that causes severe itching that can extend beyond the areas of the body that have been affected "explains Christophe Bouget, researcher at the EFNO Forest Ecosystems Laboratory of IRSTEA (National Institute for Research in Science and Technology for the environment and agriculture) of Nogent-sur-Vernisson (Loiret) .This bryophyte must be feared because it contains frullanolide, an allergen responsible for what doctors call allergic contact dermatitis. " data-reactid = "22"> PERILS. Difficult, lately, to escape the fashion of. "But be careful, kissing a hardwood or conifer is not without danger! The embrace, especially if it is practiced in shorts and short sleeves, may turn short as the trunks are home to many perils irritating, stinging … even fatal. " The loggers know, for example, that it is a very bad idea to squeeze an oak or a charm. Their bark can house frullania, a foam that causes severe itching that can spread beyond the areas of the body that have been affected "explains Christophe Bouget, researcher at the EFSTE Forest Ecosystems Laboratory at IRSTEA (National Institute Environmental and Agricultural Science and Technology Research Center) in Nogent-sur-Vernisson (Loiret). This bryophyte must be feared because it contains frullanolide, an allergen responsible for what doctors call allergic contact dermatitis.

Marie-Noëlle Crépy, dermatologist at the Cochin hospital in Paris and at Raymond Hospital Poincaré de Garches (Haut-de-Seine), lists a multitude of these allergenic substances that can cause the same type of reactions in contact with trees. C […]


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